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Dearest Graeme,

This is your 60th birthday and I have been asked to pen a few (or more) words.
Firstly, I wish you, as I've always wished you, the happiest and most
satisfying of Birthdays, with many more to come. I pray constantly that
your worrying complaint will, at least, remain static, and at best, with all
the wonderful progress in medical science, some permanent means of
arresting the complaint, will present itself.
Looking back at memories:- you were born at 2.30 p.m. Saturday afternoon
after, for me, a rather difficult number of hours - you were two weeks earlier
than expected - and - a breach birth. We both recovered. The only problem
I remember in those early years was that you were inclined to push other
children around. You DID grow out of it. When you were three you went to
Malvern preschool in Raglan Street (lovely grounds and views of the harbour).
There was, at this time, calls for women to work at Garden Island so that men
could support the war effort. I applied, and with seventeen other women took
over the clerical work. I became a ledgerkeeper, but after only seven months
I had to leave as I was pregnant with Jan. Later again there was Howard.
When Howard was nearly five, I had a call from Clive Woodley asking me if
I could help him out in his accountancy business. His secretary had just had a breakdown.
As Howard couldn't go to school for another four months, I said I would try getting
him into preschool. This I was able to do at the Brierly St. School - and so I worked
part time for 3 1/2 years in the City. Eventually, the travelling was too much with
everything else I had to do, and I found a position locally - long term - very long term.
Graeme, when you went to North Sydney Technical High School, and parents were
asked to come along, I remember the principal, Mr Ireland, telling us the benefits of
a technical high school. He said; "Imagine there is a bare tree in the ground, and you
are doing academic subjects. The foliage breaks forth on one side of the tree. When you
do technical subjects, the other side of the tree blossoms, and you have a well rounded
tree. You can then see which side you should pursue in later life." The other wonderful
thing about the school was its delight in good music - and so they presented yearly in the
Sydney Town Hall, a very inspiring night of song.
During your high school days, you worked after school for Mr. Crane, delivering medical
supplies. This gave you an insight into life in a chemist's shop - and with singlemindedness you
decided to become a chemist. I don't think you've ever looked back.
There are lots of memories - like when you asked if it was alright to bring Cynthia home to
listen to some records - you were fourteen! Later there was our wonderful holiday at the
Crooked House on the Crooked River at Gerroa (January '58) and you kept borrowing my
new car to drive the teenagers around. There was the time you rang after midnight from
town - your car had broken down. You had a rope. Would I come and tow you?
Then - the tow - rope breaking on the Harbour Bridge! Another time you were towing me in
Military Rd, near Cowles Rd - and again the rope snapped and I went into the brick wall
of the cottage next to Booths. I had quite a few restless nights after that - but recovered.
Actually, you recovered from everything in three days.
The word 'stress' didn't come into vogue until much later!
There was the happy occasion of your 21st Birthday which was held at home. We brought the
Ping Pong table into the dining room to hold the food. Later there was your engagement party
held at Marie's home, and later still your wedding reception held at the Mosman Hotel.
I could go on and on, but you are fully aware of all that has since taken place.
Ending, I would like to say how fortunate you've been, having someone like Marie constantly
there - and so efficient and loveable in every way.
May God bless you both and your ever growing family.
Again - Many Happy Returns.
Very sincerely and lovingly,
Mum xxx